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The Rev. Dcn. Matthew Visk



(909) 993-4412



A bit about me

Matthew Visk received his BA in Music Education from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) where he served as a Drum Major for the UCLA Bruin Marching Band. After discerning a call to the ministry, Matthew completed graduate degrees at Gateway Seminary (MTS) and the London School of Theology (MTh), where he studied under Tony Lane. Matthew's thesis, "A Taxonomy on Contemporary Versions of Penal Substitutionary Atonement" was awarded with distinction. Matthew is in his fourth and final year at the University of Cambridge where he is writing a thesis entitled, "John Calvin and the Classic Doctrine of Satisfaction" under the Regius Professor of Divinity, David Fergusson. 

Matthew has presented papers at theological conferences around the world and has a published article on John Calvin entitled, "Decsencus ad Inferos: The Descent Clause in Calvin’s Theology of Satisfaction." In addition to his academic endeavors, Matthew is also an accomplished band and orchestral conductor in the greater Los Angeles area, with a particular interest in musical theatre.

But Matthew's greatest achievement is being the husband to his darling wife, Christyana, as well as being a father to Tilly and Iona.

The Medieval Concept of Satisfaction in John Calvin’s Doctrine of the Cross
Was the Cross Absolutely Necessary: God's Twofold Righteousness in John Calvin
Descensus ad Inferos: The Descent Clause in Calvin's Doctrine of Satisfaction

Matthew's Theological Research

The Medieval Concept of Satisfaction

in John Calvin's Doctrine of the Cross

Was the Cross Absolutely Necessary? God's Twofold Righteousness in John Calvin

Descensus ad Inferos:

The Descent Clause in Calvin's

Doctrine of Satisfaction

Presentation at the University of Heidelberg

Presentation at Evangelical Theological Society

Presentation at the International Congress

on Calvin Research

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